Still not sure? Here are the A's to your Q's
Overeating and weight loss can be a sensitive subject. You probably have a lot of questions, so here are answers to the most common questions we get asked.
 Frequently Asked Questions 
What is the time commitment?
The monthly video modules are only 2-3 hours per month with adjustable playback speed. How long you spend on the worksheets varies person to person. Find which parts of the program work best for you and dive deep into those. With lifetime access, you can always go back to any parts of the program that you didn't get to.
How do I ensure my success in the program?
You made it through med school so you can definitely do this. All we ask is that you keep showing up and ask for as much help as you need. Many of our biggest success stories made the program a regular part of their daily/weekly habits.
What is the difference between the large group coaching calls and small group coaching calls available within the WLDO program?
Small group coaching calls offer coaching in small groups of up to ten program members at a time. They last 50 minutes and you are able to choose the day and time of your call as well as the coach you work with. We offer a broad range of early, midday, and evening calls for North American time zones which are usually accessible for members in other parts of the world as well. These calls are an opportunity to be personally coached, to ask for help on what you’re struggling with, and to connect with other program members. In WLDO, you have access to one small group coaching call of your choosing each week.

Large group coaching calls are additional opportunities to be coached live and to learn from your fellow program members. All program members are invited to these calls. Come to these calls ready to raise your hand and ask for coaching or to listen and learn from the coaching that other members receive. The WLDO program includes at least two to three hours of large group coaching calls at varying days and times each week.
Does Katrina still coach in the program?
Absolutely! Katrina coaches approximately six hours of large group coaching calls each month.
Who are the additional coaches on your team? Are they all doctors?
In the seven years that the Weight Loss for Doctors Only coaching program has existed, our program members have been supported by coaches of many different backgrounds. As it’s of utmost importance to us that you are coached by the highest quality coaches, our team currently consists of professional coaches who coach doctors full-time. Over the years, we’ve gotten feedback that many of our members prefer to coach with non-doctors for a long list of reasons. But remember, Katrina is a doctor you can coach with and she created the program so you will definitely get the physician-specific help that you need.
Is this program low-carb? Do you recommend keto, paleo, or intermittent fasting? Do I have to stop eating fruit? What if I'm vegetarian? How many calories a day do you recommend?
It's easy to get distracted by the latest diet trends. Rest assured that you can create massive success in this program without eliminating any major food groups. You’ll also get support in creating a food protocol that works for your individual needs, tastes, preferences, and schedule.
What if I'm spread too thin already?
This program is different because it caters to your needs and specific circumstances by helping you manage your mind. This results in greater efficiency and a much better grasp on all your obligations. I know your to-do list is a mile long. But coaching is kind of like having kids – there really isn’t ever a “good time” to have them. You just have them and make it work. The same goes for coaching.
Is there meal prep? What if I don't cook?
We know most doctors are too busy for meal prep. And you definitely do NOT have to cook for yourself in the program. In fact, there are no recipes involved. If it's easier for you, many meal prep companies offer on-protocol meal options. Ultimately, we recommend that you keep your eating very simple and easy.
What if I don't want people to know who I am?
This is not a Facebook group. All materials are in a password-protected Member Area and anonymity can be maintained in all group areas such as written coaching as well as on large group coaching calls. We are not able to provide anonymity on small group coaching calls. We also request that all group members treat everything inside the course with the same care and confidentiality that they use with patient records.
What if I get too busy and fall behind?
We know life happens and we’re always committed to your success. Worst case scenario, we encourage you to stay connected to the program through written coaching to help you through your busy time.
What if I’m trying to conceive/pregnant/nursing?
Congratulations! The individualized plan that you create within the program is amazingly healthy for you and baby. We've worked with dozens of OB/GYNs and pediatricians who concur. Katrina is also very familiar and knowledgeable with supporting nursing women, as a pediatrician herself. We've got you covered in all stages of growing your family.
Is there a payment plan?
YES! We gladly offer a payment plan option. Placing your $1000 deposit will hold your spot in the upcoming WLDO group. You'll then be offered the option of paying your balance via 4 monthly payments of $1000 beginning on August 12, 2024. The option to pay your balance in a one-time payment will also be offered when you deposit. The choice is yours!
Is CME credit available?
Yes! We are able to offer up to 50 hours of AMA PRA Category 1™ Credits for the Weight Loss for Doctors Only coaching program.
Can I use my CME stipend from work to cover all or part of the cost of the program?
Yes, most likely! Many of our members have had great success with this strategy. If you need to get approval first, you can access our informational brochure here to share with your leadership.
How can I know if this will fit with my erratic schedule?
In addition to the Member Area where you can access written coaching 24/7, large and small group coaching calls are scheduled for both day and evening times, as well as weekends. Large group call recordings are available in the member area as well as on our private member podcast. Many members love to listen while getting ready in the morning, commuting, doing chores around the house, etc.
How many people are in the group?
We never share the number of members in a group for a couple reasons. First, we know how many members our team can successfully guide and serve at a high level and will never exceed that number. Second, if we shared the number, no matter what the number was – whether it was 3, or 30, or 300 – your brain would very likely go to scarcity, thinking that this won't work and you won't be able to get the help you need. We ask for your trust in believing that we know exactly what you need and it will be more than available to you in the program.
Who qualifies for the program?
In order to join the program, you must be a female-identifying MD/DO physician (or international equivalent). There are a lot of amazing programs out there for weight loss that anyone can join, but Katrina believes she can provide the most value in focusing her efforts on helping a community she knows best.
What is the success rate of this program?
Group members who are all in and show up day after day achieve results beyond their wildest dreams (just check out the testimonials here!). I completely understand why your doctor brain wants to rely on success rates and data to prove that you can be successful too. But here's the truth: just because other people participate fully in the program and achieve amazing results doesn't mean anything about what your experience will be.

Your results will be a direct reflection of how well your mind is managed (which we help you with) and how you show up. So whether other people have success or not in the program ultimately has nothing to do with what you can create for yourself. You determine your results. We show up 100% for you and all you have to do is meet us halfway.
No, but for real…do you have any hard evidence that this program works?
In fact, we do! Please check out the results from the study we did on our program members here. You’ll see that our program is just about as effective as lifestyle changes plus semaglutide, without the costly long-term injections or side effects. You’ll also see that aside from weight loss, our members feel healthier and less stressed at the completion of six months in Weight Loss for Doctors Only.
I don't live in the US. Can I sign up?
Yes! We vary the call times to allow for a variety of time zones and calls are also recorded to be listened to at your convenience. All other materials are accessible 24/7. We have many overseas doctors who are successful in the program.
What if I still have more questions?
Great! We'd love to help you in any way we can. Please email us at:
 Frequently Asked Questions 
What is the time commitment?
The monthly video modules are only 2-3 hours per month with adjustable playback speed. How long you spend on the worksheets varies person to person. Find which parts of the program work best for you and dive deep into those. With lifetime access, you can always go back to any parts of the program that you didn't get to.
How do I ensure my success in the program?
You made it through med school so you can definitely do this. All we ask is that you keep showing up and ask for as much help as you need. Many of our biggest success stories made the program a regular part of their daily/weekly habits.
What is the difference between the large group coaching calls and small group coaching calls available within the WLDO program?
Small group coaching calls offer coaching in small groups of up to ten program members at a time. They last 50 minutes and you are able to choose the day and time of your call as well as the coach you work with. We offer a broad range of early, midday, and evening calls for North American time zones which are usually accessible for members in other parts of the world as well. These calls are an opportunity to be personally coached, to ask for help on what you’re struggling with, and to connect with other program members. In WLDO, you have access to one small group coaching call of your choosing each week.

Large group coaching calls are additional opportunities to be coached live and to learn from your fellow program members. All program members are invited to these calls. Come to these calls ready to raise your hand and ask for coaching or to listen and learn from the coaching that other members receive. The WLDO program includes at least two to three hours of large group coaching calls at varying days and times each week.
Does Katrina still coach in the program?
Absolutely! Katrina coaches approximately six hours of large group coaching calls each month.
Who are the additional coaches on your team? Are they all doctors?
In the seven years that the Weight Loss for Doctors Only coaching program has existed, our program members have been supported by coaches of many different backgrounds. As it’s of utmost importance to us that you are coached by the highest quality coaches, our team currently consists of professional coaches who coach doctors full-time. Over the years, we’ve gotten feedback that many of our members prefer to coach with non-doctors for a long list of reasons. But remember, Katrina is a doctor you can coach with and she created the program so you will definitely get the physician-specific help that you need.
Is this program low-carb? Do you recommend keto, paleo, or intermittent fasting? Do I have to stop eating fruit? What if I'm vegetarian? How many calories a day do you recommend?
It's easy to get distracted by the latest diet trends. Rest assured that you can create massive success in this program without eliminating any major food groups. You’ll also get support in creating a food protocol that works for your individual needs, tastes, preferences, and schedule.
What if I'm spread too thin already?
This program is different because it caters to your needs and specific circumstances by helping you manage your mind. This results in greater efficiency and a much better grasp on all your obligations. I know your to-do list is a mile long. But coaching is kind of like having kids – there really isn’t ever a “good time” to have them. You just have them and make it work. The same goes for coaching.
Is there meal prep? What if I don't cook?
We know most doctors are too busy for meal prep. And you definitely do NOT have to cook for yourself in the program. In fact, there are no recipes involved. If it's easier for you, many meal prep companies offer on-protocol meal options. Ultimately, we recommend that you keep your eating very simple and easy.
What if I don't want people to know who I am?
This is not a Facebook group. All materials are in a password-protected Member Area and anonymity can be maintained in all group areas such as written coaching as well as on large group coaching calls. We are not able to provide anonymity on small group coaching calls. We also request that all group members treat everything inside the course with the same care and confidentiality that they use with patient records.
What if I get too busy and fall behind?
We know life happens and we’re always committed to your success. Worst case scenario, we encourage you to stay connected to the program through written coaching to help you through your busy time.
What if I’m trying to conceive/pregnant/nursing?
Congratulations! The individualized plan that you create within the program is amazingly healthy for you and baby. We've worked with dozens of OB/GYNs and pediatricians who concur. Katrina is also very familiar and knowledgeable with supporting nursing women, as a pediatrician herself. We've got you covered in all stages of growing your family.
Is there a payment plan?
YES! We gladly offer a payment plan option. Placing your $1000 deposit will hold your spot in the upcoming WLDO group. You'll then be offered the option of paying your balance via 4 monthly payments of $1000 beginning on August 12, 2024. The option to pay your balance in a one-time payment will also be offered when you deposit. The choice is yours!
Is CME credit available?
Yes! We are able to offer up to 50 hours of AMA PRA Category 1™ Credits for the Weight Loss for Doctors Only coaching program.
Can I use my CME stipend from work to cover all or part of the cost of the program?
Yes, most likely! Many of our members have had great success with this strategy. If you need to get approval first, you can access our informational brochure here to share with your leadership.
How can I know if this will fit with my erratic schedule?
In addition to the Member Area where you can access written coaching 24/7, large and small group coaching calls are scheduled for both day and evening times, as well as weekends. Large group call recordings are available in the member area as well as on our private member podcast. Many members love to listen while getting ready in the morning, commuting, doing chores around the house, etc.
How many people are in the group?
We never share the number of members in a group for a couple reasons. First, we know how many members our team can successfully guide and serve at a high level and will never exceed that number. Second, if we shared the number, no matter what the number was – whether it was 3, or 30, or 300 – your brain would very likely go to scarcity, thinking that this won't work and you won't be able to get the help you need. We ask for your trust in believing that we know exactly what you need and it will be more than available to you in the program.
Who qualifies for the program?
In order to join the program, you must be a female-identifying MD/DO physician (or international equivalent). There are a lot of amazing programs out there for weight loss that anyone can join, but Katrina believes she can provide the most value in focusing her efforts on helping a community she knows best.
What is the success rate of this program?
Group members who are all in and show up day after day achieve results beyond their wildest dreams (just check out the testimonials here!). I completely understand why your doctor brain wants to rely on success rates and data to prove that you can be successful too. But here's the truth: just because other people participate fully in the program and achieve amazing results doesn't mean anything about what your experience will be.

Your results will be a direct reflection of how well your mind is managed (which we help you with) and how you show up. So whether other people have success or not in the program ultimately has nothing to do with what you can create for yourself. You determine your results. We show up 100% for you and all you have to do is meet us halfway.
No, but for real…do you have any hard evidence that this program works?
In fact, we do! Please check out the results from the study we did on our program members here. You’ll see that our program is just about as effective as lifestyle changes plus semaglutide, without the costly long-term injections or side effects. You’ll also see that aside from weight loss, our members feel healthier and less stressed at the completion of six months in Weight Loss for Doctors Only.
I don't live in the US. Can I sign up?
Yes! We vary the call times to allow for a variety of time zones and calls are also recorded to be listened to at your convenience. All other materials are accessible 24/7. We have many overseas doctors who are successful in the program.
What if I still have more questions?
Great! We'd love to help you in any way we can. Please email us at:

Ready to get started?

The next Weight Loss for Doctors Only coaching group begins on

July 8, 2024

 Inside, you will receive: 

  • Immediate access to the Prep Area
  • Six-month Program Designed to get you Lifetime Results
  • 6 Monthly Core Modules with Videos and Worksheets
  • 6 months of Unlimited Written Coaching Support
  • 6 months of Unlimited Food and Weight Loss Support
  • 8 Supplemental Resources
  • 8+ Live Large Group Coaching Calls per month (Comprehensive tier)
  • 1 Weekly Small Group Coaching Call (Comprehensive tier)
  • Up to 50 hours of CME Credit available!

Your investment for the six month coaching program and lifetime access to the materials is
$5000 for WLDO - Comprehensive or $2000 for WLDO - DIY.

Reserve your spot today by placing your deposit.

Spots are limited.

© and TM 2024 Katrina Ubell Coaching LLC.  All Rights Reserved.